WBook Club
I recently took the Birkman assessment. My “interests” results begin with 97% Literary, an “appreciation for language.” This includes “writing, reading, and editing.”
No surprise. Right now I am reading 3 books and actively thinking about which one I will start next. My regular rotation usually includes a fun read, a growth read, and an audiobook. I also read a couple of articles every day, usually it is some combination of Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, or the New York Times work.
I enjoy learning about what others are reading. So, from time to time I am going to share my reading list here. Disclosure begats disclosure, right?
Here is what I am reading, why I am reading it, and what I thought about it.
The Minimalist Entrepreneur by Sahil Lavingia
A great guide to creating a successful business and life by going low, slow, and building it as you go. This book will give you frameworks for creating and refining your product, managing your expectations, and building community.
Takeaway: “It begins and ends by thinking of your business as a tool to solve a customer’s problem. Not as a lottery ticket.”
Atomic Habits by James Clear
I was late to the game on this one and wish I had been an early adopter. It is full of hard science and engaging stories, Mr. Clear teaches us how to create the life we want one habit at a time. He also shares some general principles that any leader can (and probably should) get behind.
Takeaway: Identify what makes sense to change and then figure out how to make it easy for you to do. Prior planning prevents poor performance.
How Our Careers Affect Our Children by Stewart Friedman for HBR
This article from 2018 remains relevant today, especially the specific research data about the affect of fathers’ and mothers’ work on their children.
Takeaway: Kids notice when parents are on devices and quality time is a real thing.