WB Reading List: Generational Diversity, Poverty, and Extreme Ownership

WB Reading List: Generational Diversity, Poverty, and Extreme Ownership

A New Kind of Diversity by Tim Elmore

A deep dive into generational differences in the workplace.

Takeaways: Each generation responds to authority differently. This alone makes it worth the read.


Poverty, by America by Matt Desmond

This is a challenging read but will make you think about how you live and how your actions impact your neighbors.

Takeaway: “The history of the world my sweet is who gets eaten and who gets to eat.”


Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

If you have any interest in military culture, history, and operations this is an interesting and entertaining book. More importantly the authors effectively translate military philosophy, skills, and approach to everyday business operations. It is practical and simple.

Takeaway: “Discipline is freedom.”



Lead Boldly Facilitator: Gretchen Schott


Don’t Just Lead, Lead Boldly